Stock up on these soft foods before your dental procedure!

Mom with her 6 years old daughter walking along city street and eating ice cream in front of the outdoor cafe.Most of the time, making preparations ahead of time makes things much, much easier. For instance, if you knew you were going to have a minor surgery and would be recovering for a few days at home, you would probably go to the store and stock up on food, make sure you have some crossword puzzles to pass the time, and make sure that the remote has fresh batteries. The same holds true for a dental procedure – you want to make sure you are ready for a nice, relaxing recovery. Having the right food in the house is an important part of a comfortable recovery – here are some ideas for foods to stock up on before your dental procedure.

A list of soft food ideas

No matter what dental procedure you are having done – whether it’s having the post for a dental implant placed or a tooth removed – you might return home with a sore mouth. And, you might not feel like eating at all, but not eating will only make you feel worse. Your body needs to eat nutritious food that will help in recovery, and you need soft foods that won’t hurt to eat or reopen wounds in your mouth.

Here are some soft food ideas for your recovery:

• Scrambled eggs

• Cottage cheese

• Yogurt

• Ice cream

• Milk shakes

• Fruit smoothies

• Oatmeal

• Grits

• Applesauce

• Tofu

• Broth

• Soup

• Jell-O

• Mashed fruits or veggies

A list of foods to avoid

There are also some foods you should stay away from, such as crunchy or chewy foods that might reopen any wounds and irritate your gums. You should also avoid spicy foods and alcohol and grains, nuts, and seeds, which might get stuck in your wound. And, when you are feeling better, get back to eating solid foods slowly. Don’t start by eating a chewy steak or a big bowl of popcorn.

You might not feel like running out to the grocery store after you’ve had work done on your teeth. Plan ahead with this list of soft foods, to make your recovery comfortable and as quick as possible! If it is time for some dental work, contact Pound Ridge Cosmetic Dentistry. Call 914-468-4759 for an appointment today!


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